

Feb 14 · 1 min read

Hi all –

As you know, our last class had to be canceled due to the snowstorm, which meant we missed out on the opportunity to visit Special Collections at the Mudd Library to see our beloved Princeton Postcards. The good news is that we have rescheduled our visit for tomorrow, February 15th!

Here’s a brief recap of the changes and what to expect moving forward:

  • Feb. 15: we will meet at the Mudd Library. Please bring along the preparatory work you’ve already done – it will be relevant for our visit.

  • Feb. 20: our Lab on Data Cleaning has been postponed to next week, February 20th. As such, the reading assignments and reflections that were originally due for tomorrow’s class are now due before the lab session next week. For those who have already posted their reflections: great! For everyone else, this means you’ve got some extra time.

  • Feb. 22: we’ll be back on track with our original schedule by February 22nd, and I’m looking forward to your presentations on your Data Biographies.

Please take a moment to visit the course website where I’ve posted the updated schedule. Adjustments have been made to ensure that our learning journey remains smooth and – until the next snow storm – uninterrupted.

Thank you all for your understanding and flexibility! I appreciate your commitment to adapting alongside these minor changes.

– Wouter


Feb 13 · 0 min read

Hi all –

Sadly, today’s (Feb. 13) class is CANCELED. I just received the message that the Mudd Library will be closed for the day. I will message you all later today/tomorrow about the change of schedule (I’m hoping we can visit the Mudd Library on Thursday – but will keep you posted).

Stay safe and warm!



Jan 29 · 1 min read

Dear students –

I hope the start of the semester is treating you well! I also hope you are eager for the adventures ahead of us in the course Introduction to Digital Humanities (HUM 346 / ENG 256 / CDH 346), which begins tomorrow from 11:00 AM to 12:20 PM. After some effort to secure the perfect location, I am pleased to announce that our classes will be held in the wonderful setting of Chancellor 105.

For our first gathering, there’s no need to prepare anything in advance. The agenda for tomorrow is simply to get to know each other and to go over the contents that make up our course. The session will be an opportunity for us to become acquainted, discussing our interests, backgrounds, and what we hope to achieve by the end of the term.

I have set up a Slack workspace for our seminars, which can be found here. See if you can join this already before our classes start, as we will be using Slack for sharing resources, updates, and assignment posts.

I am looking forward to meeting each of you! Should you have any questions or concerns before our first meeting, feel free to reach out.

– Wouter