
This syllabus has drawn inspiration from the teaching materials of many others. Among the syllabi referenced while developing this course are other courses entitled “Introduction to Digital Humanities,” including those by Kristen Mapes and Kate Topham, Zoe LeBlanc, Miriam Posner, Sierra Eckert, and Ryan Cordell. Other courses that have been consulted include Meredith Martin and Rebecca Munson’s “Literature, Data, and Interpretation”, Melanie Walsh’s “Introduction to Cultural Analytics & Python”, and the case studies-based handbook “Humanities Data Analysis” by Folgert Karsdorp, Mike Kestemont, and Allen Riddell.

Additionally, the following books have been wonderfully instrumental in designing this course:

  • Gardiner, Eileen, and Ronald G. Musto. The Digital Humanities. A Primer for Students and Scholars. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • Drucker, Johanna. The Digital Humanities Coursebook. An Introduction to Digital Methods for Research and Scholarship. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2021.
  • Karsdorp, Folgert, et al. Humanities Data Analysis. Case Studies with Python. Princeton University Press, 2021.
  • Croxall, Brian, and Diane K. Jakacki (editors). What We Teach When We Teach DH: Digital Humanities in the Classroom. University of Minnesota Press, 2023.

Also a huge shout out to my friends at the CDH for their support, answering my (many, many) questions, inspiring chats, and just being all-around awesome. Thanks also to my friends at ACDC for reviewing prior versions of this syllabus and providing valuable feedback.

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